Online: Tune in to your feelings

Identify your emotions and make better decisions

Do you automatically answer the question "How are you?" with "I'm well, thanks, and you?" But is that really true? Are you really doing well? And how do you know? People are pretty good at doing and thinking, but often aren't very aware of how they're feelings. Do you want to change this for yourself ? What role do emotions and your body's signals play? In this learning journey, you will become aware of how you're really feeling. You'll learn how you can react less impulsively and with more awareness. This will help you get more control over your behavior.

  • Theme: Vitality and resilience
  • Learn to listen to your emotions
  • Reading time: 2 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 12 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 2-6 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

In general, we're not so good at feeling, but we're experts in thinking and doing. Now it's time to work on your feelings. What role do emotions play in this? And what is your body saying, what signals is it giving off? Your body gives you a lot of information, so use it. Your body never lies, whether or not you're used to consciously listening to it. You'll see that at the end of this self-awareness training you'll be able to better express how you feel, so that you can better manage your behavior.

In this training you'll work on your self-awareness. You're aware of what you think, do, and feel: the core of mindfulness. Being mindful means that you're exactly the middle of the triangle of feeling, thinking, and doing. Your feelings, thoughts, and behavior are in balance. In this training you will also work on your self-awareness while making choices. You'll see that after completing this training you will get better and better at answering the question "How do I really feel?"


You now have an impression of the learning journey. Would you like to continue learning? Do you want to give yourself a boost? Then let's get started.

Meet the master

Our online courses are written by our "masters." Each one of them is an expert in their field, and they all have many years of experience. Among them you'll find trainers, psychologists, coaches, authors, etc.

Ernestine is the creative force behind a range of learning journeys. Her goal is to make learning fun and to teach practical skills that really help people grow.

Recommendations for courses that are in line with your interests

Emotional intelligence

Your emotional intelligence (EQ) appears to be twice as important as your IQ. It's about what you do with your knowledge and how you arrive at solutions and ideas working together with others! You will learn about that and more in this course.

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In this course, you'll practice with different exercises to expand your mindfulness. You can decide which exercises work for you, but to become more mindful you must practice.

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