Online: Let’s talk about stress

Identify stress in others and deal with it effectively

You suddenly notice that someone close to you is clearly suffering from stress overload. Months in advance, you predict the burnout of a family member, friend, or co-worker... yet you choose to do nothing about it. Or you want to, but don't know how.

This course offers effective methods to address the levels of stress of others and/or your own stress overload. Transparency is paramount. Telling someone what you see and how it affects you, starts a dialogue about stress. And you make sure the other person is aware of his or her stress level. Which flag should you raise? Green, orange, or red?

  • Theme: Team development & Leadership
  • Become aware of your signs of stress
  • Reading time: 2 hours, exclusive of practice and assignments
  • Study time: 12 hours (estimated)
  • Total duration: 2-6 weeks

New Heroes Academy, Unlimited learning for your organization

  • Customized solutions for your organization
  • Assistence with implementation and activation
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Teambuilding & Leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Vitality & Resilience

Imagine: you have suspicions that a friend, who you've been planning to go on a fun outing with, is overwhelmed by stress. The weekend trip could easily turn out to be a fiasco. How can you – subtly – find out if your suspicion of stress overload is true?

How do you respond to stressed-out people close to you? Often you don't dare say anything, because you're afraid this will put a burden on him or her. It's natural to avoid, or shy away from, the anger or stress of another person. But this won't make you feel any better. In fact, there's a big chance it'll cause you stress.

In this course, rather than shying away from it, you'll address the lvels of stress and talk about it. You'll learn not only how to provide comfort, but also how to help others identify their own levels of stress and anxiety symptoms. You can use the "raising flags" technique in conversations at work or at home with family, friends, and co-workers: wherever you are working or living with people. You assign someone a flag with a specific color. Transparency is vital to the success of this technique.

Everyone has experienced stress. Perhaps in your culture you're not used to openly talk about stress. You may feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, or embarrass others, when discussing work-related stress or burnout symptoms. Make sure to take pointers from this online course and see what fits your situation and your surroundings.

You're in charge, so you decide!


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