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Online: Coaching techniques

How do you find a needle in a haystack? Or how do you find the Holy Grail among all books, articles, websites and courses. Spoiler alert: it's not there, because it doesn't exist.

Coaching just isn't a one-size-fits-all sort of thing. The main goal of coaching is to restore balance to the life of your coachee. And there are hundreds of ways of doing that. Fortunately, it is quite easy for both coach and coachee to determine if the chosen strategy will be effective and meaningful.

Key factors for succes

Determine if the chosen strategy is the right one based on these four key factors.

1. Ownership
Does the coachee feel responsible for his or her own progress? In other words: does the ownership of the coaching process lie with the coachee? Ask a so-called coach question to determine this.
Tip: begin the coach question with: "How can i...?" 

2. Benchmark
Is the coachee able to define how the current situation relates to the desired one? This information is important in order to determine where the coachee is at, where he/she wants to be and how to carve out a path between these two. 
Tip: Frequently ask the following questions: "Is this what you want or need?". "What makes is this important?" 

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