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Online: Effectively managing change

How many people do you know who actually welcome change? Probably not many, which isn't suprising at all. People tend to not like change. 

Our brain is programmed to like repetition. Having an autopilot is a very practical competence. It's very common to do a lot of things on autopilot: breathing, cycling, driving to work, drinking your first cup of coffee of the day. 

Very interesting and all, but you're the manager and you want to implement change. How do you proceed when your team members don't welcome change? 

Fortunately, there are things you can do to smooth the process. You can manage change effectively. A great source for effective change management is the 8-step model by Professor J.P. Kotter, expert in leadership and bestselling author in change management. 

Kotter's 8 steps:

  1. Create a sense of urgency
  2. Build a project team
  3. Develop a common vision
  4. Build consensus
  5. Remove obstacles
  6. Create quick wins
  7. Perservere
  8. Secure implementations

You will probably have a general understanding of every step, but let's examine each one individually. Important: as you go through them, reflect on previous change management or envision a change you want to implement in the near future. 

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