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On this page you will find the answers to questions we get asked the most.

Can you not find the answer you’re looking for?
Send an email to, or call us: 0416 - 682 888.


Learning a new skill is best done in your own environment. That's why we regularly take you away from your computer screen to practice something in real-life situations. So, it's not just e-learning; it's more like e-doing. You could say you're going on a journey, a 'learning journey.'

We don't say "Dare to fly!" for nothing!


If you are unsure which course  is most suitable for your interests and learning needs, we recommend starting with our the Personal Development Scan.

We'll ask you to complete a questionnaire, and afterward, we'll present you with eight courses that align most closely with your desires, capabilities, and requirements.


On our review page, you'll find all the reviews neatly organized in chronological order.

In the course overview, you can view the reviews for each course individually.


If you want to check your progress within the course, you can expand the table of contents. You can do this by clicking on the menu in the top right corner. There, you'll see all the steps. The green check marks indicate the sections you've covered and where you've left off. In this menu, you can also peek ahead or review previous sections.


You take the course online, wherever and whenever you like. You will also receive assignments. The intention is for you to practice these assignments in the real world. So, step away from your screen, let the assignments sink in, and practice them in real-life situations before you continue.


A course is structured with a series of steps and chapters, incorporating various learning elements.

  • Setting Objectives - Before embarking on each learning journey, we encourage you to formulate and/or select a learning goal and establish a learning pace. This is optional.

The following learning elements are present in all our courses:

  • Questionnaire - These are surveys designed to provide you with greater insight into yourself. In many courses, the questionnaire reappears later so that you can assess your progress or areas for improvement.
  • Open assignment - Get to work! We provide you with an assignment, and we're interested in your experience. Often, we offer feedback afterward for additional self-reflection.
  • Learning text - These are theoretical sections that you can review at your own pace.
  • Video assignment - In this assignment, we describe a situation and ask you to respond on video.
  • Video Response Training - In this assignment, you'll watch a video with an actor reenacting a situation, and we'll ask you to react to the situation in the film and record yourself. All recordings are only visible to you unless you decide to share the video, for example, with your supporter.
  • Instructional Wizards - Through multiple-choice questions, you receive information about the theory. The answers you select determine the follow-up questions you receive.
  • Multiple choice test - You answer multiple-choice questions on the subject to assess your knowledge. At the end of the assessment, you'll immediately see whether you've passed. If you fail, there is an opportunity to retake the assessment. You can find details on this in our Examination Policy.

The courses are designed for all skill levels. Learning new skills doesn't require complex theory; it involves practice in the real world. This applies to everyone. Skills are learned by doing. To align as closely as possible with your practical needs, we use conversational language: easygoing and informal.


The duration indicates approximately how much time you'll spend on the course in front of your screen. Please bear in mind that you'll also need time for practical practice sessions. You won't complete the practical exercises all at once but rather spread them out over a period. The amount of time you devote to this varies from person to person. The minimum time investment for this is included in the course duration.

For instance, a short course might take 30 minutes reading time, 1 hour if assignments are involved and spread over one to two weeks.


It's possible that a particular assignment doesn't align with your preferences or capabilities, such as inviting a supporter or recording yourself on video. If you genuinely cannot or do not want to record a video, in many cases, there is an option to complete an alternative assignment. This information will be specified in the relevant assignment.


Do you have an exemption? This means that you have previously completed the learning element in another New Heroes Academy course. You can skip this learning element (although additional practice never hurts...).

You can recognize an exemption by the label 'Exemption' that appears below the title of the learning element.


All our courses are designed and developed by experts, our so-called 'masters.' They are individuals with backgrounds in psychology, coaching, or training in social skills. They collaborate with educational experts to develop and maintain the courses.

Find more information, see this overview of all our experts.


Yes. New Heroes Academy is an accredited learning organisation (NRTO).


Go to your personal dashboard. Here, you will find your active courses under 'Continue with.' Click on 'View more.' Then, you can choose from four options in the drop-down menu:

  • Active: Courses you have started. This includes both regular courses and courses marked as favorites that you have begun.
  • Completed: Finished courses.
  • My Favorites: Courses you have marked as favorites (with a heart emoji).
  • Archived: Courses you have archived. You can reactivate them at any time.

To go directly to your favorite courses, go to 'Discover' on your personal dashboard and click on 'Wishlist Courses.'


Upon completing all chapters and assignments in a course, you will receive a badge or certificate.

You will receive a...

  • Badge after completing courses of 15 and 30 minutes.
  • Certificate after completing courses ranging from 2 to 12 hours.
  • Diploma after completing three courses within a complete learning path.
  • Goal badge upon achieving your learning objective.

Go to your personal dashboard. At the bottom left corner, you will find ‘Accomplishments’. Click on ‘Show all accomplishments’. This will take you to your dashboard. Use the drop-down menu to select your preference (all or a specific selection). 


You can share your achievements with, for example, your HR manager. You decide which badges, certificates, or diplomas you want to share. Go to your personal dashboard. Choose 'Show all  achievements' in the left information block. Here, you will find all your badges, certificates, and diplomas.

Make Public First
By default, all your achievements are set to private. To share them with someone, you'll first need to make them public.

Click on the padlock icon on a title. In the pop-up menu select Public and save. Click on Share and fill in the email address of the person you want to share your accomplishment(s) with. This person will receive a link to your public accomplishments.

At any given point in time you can switch back to Private. Just click on the Public icon (see image).

Select Private in the pop-up menu and save.

Share on your LinkedInprofile
You can add your badge or certificate to your LinkedIn profile, so everyone can see that you have mastered new skills. Click on the button 'Add'. We have already filled in your details, the only thing left to do is 'Save'. 


Some of our courses have an assessment that tests your knowledge through multiple-choice questions.

Our Examination Policy applies to these assessments.


Learning Pathways

A learning path consists of three courses that complement each other within a specific field. For example, the Sales learning pathway includes Consultative selling, the Elevator Pitch, and Influencing. This combination ensures that you become an expert in your field.

Once you have completed all three courses - and thus the entire learning pathway - you will receive a diploma.


Go to your personal dashboard. Click on ‘Find a course’, at ‘Explore’. Search for ‘Learning pathway’. Click on 'Start'.

Once you've clicked on 'Start,' you'll be able to see at a glance which courses are part of the learning path and how far you've progressed. It may happen that you've already completed a course that is part of the learning path you've chosen.


That depends on which courses are part of the learning pathway and your own pace of work. Expect an average screen time of six to twelve hours spread over four to nine months.


You can access your progress through your personal dashboard. Click on 'Show more' at the bottom under 'Continue with.' You will then see an overview of your courses. The learning pathway you are following will be visible under 'Active' or - if already completed - under 'Completed.'


Once you have completed the three courses in the learning pathway, a 'Download' button will appear in your progress overview under the 'Diploma' section. Here, you can download your (environmentally friendly) digital version.

If you prefer a printed copy, please provide your mailing address. We will print your diploma on high-quality paper and send it to you via regular mail. Framing it will be your responsibility ;-)



You can share your achievements with, for example, your HR manager. You decide which badges, certificates, or diplomas you want to share. Go to your personal dashboard. Choose 'Show all  achievements' in the left information block. Here, you will find all your badges, certificates, and diplomas.

Make Public First
By default, all your achievements are set to private. To share them with someone, you'll first need to make them public.

Click on the padlock icon on a title. In the pop-up menu select Public and save. Click on Share and fill in the email address of the person you want to share your accomplishment(s) with. This person will receive a link to your public accomplishments.

At any given point in time you can switch back to Private. Just click on the Public icon (see image).

Select Private in the pop-up menu and save.

Share on your LinkedInprofile
You can add your badge or certificate to your LinkedIn profile, so everyone can see that you have mastered new skills. Click on the button 'Add'. We have already filled in your details, the only thing left to do is 'Save'. 


Learning goals, dashboard & profile

Taking a course is like starting a learning journey. The clearer you are about what you want to learn, the easier the learning process becomes. As you think about your learning goals, you'll likely consider the things you're good at and the areas where you may struggle. Being aware of yourself helps the learning process go smoothly. Plus, when you set your own learning goals, you're taking charge of your own learning journey. Afterwards, you can see if you've achieved what you aimed for.


If you want to develop yourself in a certain direction, the most important step is setting a goal. But how do you do that?

Dare to Dream:
Imagine that you wake up tomorrow, and everything you wanted to achieve has come true. What does that look like? What do you do differently? How do you feel? Your dream? When you pursue something because you think it's expected or required by others, it's often harder to achieve. Your own dreams give you motivation to persevere, even when things get tough. So, is it truly your dream?

Make a Plan:
What is your main goal for achieving your dream? What exactly do you want to have accomplished at each stage? What's the first step? Make it as specific as possible so that you can actually check whether you're on the right track along the way.

Write It Down:
Dreams and goals are beautiful but easy to forget. When you write them down, you make a commitment to yourself. You embed them in your memory. This ensures that you'll subconsciously start taking steps toward your goal.

Share Your Goal:
Speaking your goal out loud to others makes it easier to stick to your goals. Others can often give you a boost, especially when things get tough. So, have the courage to tell your circle what you're aiming for!


After logging in with your New Heroes Academy account, you will see an overview of your learning goals and how many steps you've taken to achieve them on your personal dashboard. Within a course, each learning element is considered a step toward achieving your learning goal.

You can mark the set learning goal as achieved on this dashboard, even before completing the course. The marking can also be done within the course itself or in the learning goals overview. Afterward, you can set a new learning goal to focus on.

You will also receive a goal badge when you have successfully achieved and marked a learning goal.


When you set your goal, you will also be asked to set a deadline and determine your learning pace. This way, you block time in your own schedule, providing yourself with a motivation to actually get started on your agenda.


Your learning pace is the times when you engage with New Heroes Academy and your goals. With just one click, you can also add this to your own calendar. It's useful as a motivator to help you achieve your goals.

Do you want to change your learning rhythm? Go to your personal dashboard and click on the icon  ‘Settings’. At the block on the right side of your screen, you can edit your learning rhythm.


You can always change your email address, on your profile page.


Hero points and learning steps

To make your progress visible, we use 'points' and 'levels' at New Heroes Academy. We award you points, called "hero points," as a reward for the growth you experience. The more you grow, the more points you receive, and the higher the levels you achieve.


You earn points for completing each component and course. You also receive points for achieving your goals and for involving a supporter. When you collect enough points, you gain access to higher levels.


You joined New Heroes Academy because you want to work on yourself. You want to develop and grow further. You have a goal in mind, and you're determined to reach it. You want progress! With more hero points, the steps you take become more visible, showing your advancement.


A learning step is a part of the course that you have gone through and completed, such as (video) assignments, questionnaires, or informational texts.

Once you have completed a learning step, the dot in the content overview turns green.


Learning steps represent the steps you've taken toward your learning goal. It's a summary of your progress in both your course and personal development.

Every move you make counts as a step. You thrive better with encouragement and assistance to achieve positive outcomes, rather than receiving strict instructions on what you must do or go through.

You can also achieve your personal learning goal by taking a few essential learning steps that matter most to you. Therefore, completing all learning elements in a course is not always necessary to achieve your personal learning objective.



A motivator helps you achieve your goals. Through email, the motivator supports you in your learning process by keeping you engaged, stimulating you, and challenging you.


With a motivator, you'll make faster progress in your development. They keep you on track, provide explanations about possibilities, and encourage you.


The motivator tracks your learning process and monitors your deadlines and progress. They are not aware of the answers or results you provide on


You want or need to achieve your goals quickly. To do this, you need maximum motivation. In an enthusiastic, positive way. A digital push! Better too much help than too little to get you to your goal.

From time to time, you could use some encouragement and support. A friendly and personal guide is what you need.


You are naturally quite motivated. You can get yourself started and keep going. However, you still appreciate occasional encouragement or support, but in a surprising and innovative way. You only need a mild form of assistance.

You take initiative, and you need little guidance to achieve your goals. A gentle approach isn't your style. You benefit most from someone who tells it like it is, but not too often. An occasional reminder is more than enough for you.



Yes, you can change your motivator at any time. You can do this on your personal dashboard.

In the left block where it says 'My Motivator,' click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner.
Select a different motivator and click 'Save.'


In that case, you can select the option 'I don't want a motivator' through your profile.

You will no longer receive emails in the form of compliments, reminders, and explanations. However, we do not recommend this option because we have observed that users who choose it tend to make very little progress toward their learning objectives.



One unique aspect of New Heroes Academy is that you work with a supporter. This is a person of your choosing, someone you trust, and whom you invite to guide you during your course. Depending on the subject of the course, this could be your best friend, a family member, a colleague, or even your supervisor. Because things are changing and can be challenging on your own. A supporter can also provide you with a different perspective and give you feedback on what you're doing well and where you can improve. You'll be surprised by what others observe about you. If you'd like to be looked at from multiple angles, feel free to invite multiple supporters.

Read more information about supporters.


Choosing a supporter can be challenging. It's good to know that the supporter doesn't need to be a member of New Heroes Academy, so don't limit yourself. You can consider: a partner, a friend, a parent, a sibling, a colleague, a supervisor, or even a new connection, such as someone from your LinkedIn contacts. Also, think about what you expect from the supporter: Do you want someone who knows you well? Do you want someone who knows a lot about the subject? Do you want someone who can provide motivation? If you have more than one option, no problem; you can invite multiple supporters.


No, a supporter does not need to have a subscription to New Heroes Academy.


You'll be surprised by what others observe about you. Often, these are the things you are less aware of yourself. A supporter can aid in your personal development by providing you with more insight into yourself, supporting you during your course, or serving as a motivation factor. If you'd like to receive feedback from multiple people, feel free to invite multiple supporters.


At certain points in the course, you'll be asked to share your answers or videos with a supporter. Once you've completed the assignment, you can invite supporters. You can invite as many supporters as you like, and you can customize your invitation for each supporter.

The supporter will receive an email invitation to assist you. After inviting a supporter, you can continue with your course.


The supporter will only see the assignment for which you have invited them. You will be notified when your supporter provides feedback. Your supporter will only receive and have access to the assignment for which you requested feedback. They won't have access to the rest of your course. So, all other components remain private.


No need to panic! It's possible that your supporter missed the email or forgot about it. So, feel free to ask your supporter if they've seen your email.

New Heroes Academy automatically sends a friendly reminder to your supporter after seven days.

You can also choose to send a reminder yourself or indicate that your supporter has already provided feedback in another way.

From within the exercise itself:
Click on the 'Feedback' tab in the 'My Supporters' section.
Select one of the four options.

From your personal dashboard:
You can find more information on how to do this here: Where can I find an overview of feedback requests?

You can always continue with your course, even if you haven't received feedback yet.


On your personal dashboard, in the "Go to" section, you will see a link to the "Feedback received " page.

Once you have received feedback, a notification (a red notification dot) will appear there.

When you click to the next page, you can choose between "Feedback received"and "Outstanding feedback requests."

"Feedback received" will take you to the specific exercise in the course where you have received feedback.

"Outstanding feedback requests" displays an overview of requests that have not yet been responded to.

Under "Options" for each request, you can choose to send a reminder to your supporter via email, WhatsApp, or your private email address.

You can also indicate that your supporter has already provided feedback in another way, which will prevent your supporter from receiving a reminder.


You can always change the email address of your supporter. Go to your personal dashboard. Click on the 'Settings' icon in the upper right corner and choose 'Manage supporters.' Edit the name or email address of the supporter or remove them.

Go to the relevant assignment in the course and select the supporter. Send the assignment.


What should I do now? Do I want to become a supporter? Get answers to all your questions here.



Your coach can assist with a specific question or issue, but can also be your motivator in achieving your learning goals. Maybe you're ready for the next step in your career? Or could you use some more energy in your work?


Your coach can only see what you share with them. They cannot see your progress without your sharing it.


You can see this in your dashboard under 'My coach messages'.


Through the coach tool of New Heroes Academy, you can communicate with your coach. From your dashboard, click on 'My coach messages' to send a message to your coach. Or you can arrange with your coach to communicate in another way.


All messages can be found in your personal dashboard, and you'll also receive email notifications for them.



Do you see something interesting or useful during the course? We make it easy for you to revisit it later. By clicking on the learning element and marking it as a 'bookmark,' you can find it again on your dashboard.


You can find your bookmarks on your personal dashboard. Click on 'My bookmarks' on the right side under 'Go to.'



A notification is a message you receive during a course as an additional reminder or motivation.


You can always change your e-mail address. Go to your personal dashboard. Click on the icon for ‘Settings’ and choose ‘Edit’ in the block ‘Profile’.



The answers you provide, the videos you create, and the files you upload are visible only to yourself. There is one exception: if you invite a supporter, your supporter can only see the specific assignment(s) for which you have invited them.


No, your supervisor cannot see which courses you are taking. Your supervisor also cannot see your answers and videos. You can invite your supervisor to be your supporter, but then only the answer to the assignment for which you invited them will be visible.


Read our privacy and cookie policy.

When you're not logged in, you can also find our privacy and cookie policy in the footer of the homepage.


Payment & membership

Your subscription starts from the moment you make your first payment.


You can cancel your subscription at any time. Go to your personal dashboard. Click on the icon in the top right corner for 'Settings' and choose 'Edit' in the 'Profile' section. At the bottom of this page, you will see the option to cancel your subscription.

Your subscription will actually end when the month from your last payment is over, and you can see the end date under 'Profile'."


You pay a fixed amount of €16.99 per month with us (excluding discount promotions).

You can cancel at any time, even in the first month.

For example:
Let's say you became a member on September 15th. Your subscription is valid until October 15th. If you decide to cancel your subscription after a week, on September 21st, you can still use the platform until October 15th.

However, if you choose to delete your data immediately, this action will take effect immediately, and you won't be able to use our platform from that moment onwards.



Your data will continue to be stored, and you can access all the assignments you've ever completed. This is how we enable lifelong learning. Ready to continue? Simply reactivate your account, and you can pick up right where you left off.

However, when you cancel your subscription, you also have the option to delete your data. When you select this option, you won't be able to review your training and completed learning goals.


You need to stop your payment for your private account by yourself. This can be done on a monthly basis.


If you log in with your 'old' login details, you will receive a notification asking if you want to continue your account yourself. After that, you can simply continue your learning.

Of course, you can also choose to permanently delete your data. We provide all the information about this when you cancel your subscription.


Do you already have an account?
You can extend your subscription with the voucher by logging in to our website. On your personal dashboard, click on the icon at the top right for 'Settings'. Under 'Profile', you can start a new subscription. Choose 'Redeem voucher' as the payment method.

Don't have an account yet?
On the homepage of our website, click on 'Subscriptions' in the main menu. Enter the voucher code here to redeem your voucher


Technical questions & system requirements

For the video assignments and video response exercises, you record yourself on camera. It is therefore a requirement that your computer, tablet, or phone has a webcam or camera.

We need access to your webcam for these types of assignments. The first time you enter such an assignment, you will see this request automatically and only once. So it's important to grant permission.



There's a good chance you'll need to give permission, and you can do this in your browser settings. Click here to learn how to do it for different browsers.


You can upload the following files: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf.


No, there is no New Heroes Academy app. However, you can add the website to your home screen, so you can access it like you would with an app.

For iOS:

  1. Open in Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the share icon (a square with an upward arrow).
  3. Scroll down to reveal more options.
  4. Tap the 'Add to Home Screen' option.
  5. Give the app a name, if desired.
  6. You'll now see the site as a new icon alongside your other installed apps.

For Android:

  1. Open in Chrome.
  2. Choose 'Add to Home Screen' from the menu.
  3. Give the app a name, if desired.
  4. You'll now see the site as a new icon alongside your other installed apps on your device.

Customer service & contact

Contact us by phone, email of Whatsapp.  


New Heroes Academy
Van Heemstraweg-West 5
5301 PA Zaltbommel
The Netherlands


Read how you can reach us by car or public transport here.


For businesses

Your employees are the gold of your organization. In our collaboration, we go beyond online courses, coaching, and blended learning; we aim for a partnership.

New Heroes Academy helps you achieve your organizational goals. Your organization works with the 'tools' provided by New Heroes Academy. We support your organization in using these tools effectively, maintaining them, and ensuring they have a real impact on your business and are applicable in the workplace. We focus on business impact, practicality, and results.

Within our capabilities, we aim to provide support and are always willing to brainstorm and invest time and energy in helping and solving HR, training, and development challenges.


We will appoint an account manager, and customer support agent who will always be ready to help.

In addition, we provide an implementation coach who collaborates with you on engaging your employees, designing training programs, and addressing company-specific challenges.


Starting from 20 employees up to 5000+ or even more. Contact us to discuss all options and pricing.


Personal and organizational development is an ongoing process. We believe that employees who continuously develop themselves are happier and more productive. Achieving real behavioral change doesn't happen in one month, and often not even in two. That's why we typically advocate for multi-year programs. However, we are open to exceptions and are happy to discuss this further with you.

Send and email to


Yes, we also offer two, three, and five-year subscriptions. This can be particularly beneficial as you'll receive multi-year discounts!

Send an email to


A corporate subscription is paid annually. We will send the invoice before the subscription begins.


The administrator is the person in your company who manages the business account. You can choose who will take on this role.


They can manage users, user groups, courses, update company information, and view learning analytics.

If you need assistance, you can always contact us.t


You can add new users yourself in your organization dashboard. We can also do this for you.


Yes, you can in our learning analytics. To protect the privacy of your employees, you won't see who is taking which course. However, you will have insights into usage, the most popular courses, and important themes. You can also view differences between teams, ages, gender, or the number of full-time employees. We're here to assist you in setting up these attributes.


Absolutely! We are happy to provide advice on the courses that will yield the best results for your company. Whether you want to delve deeper into online learning, implement it into your LMS system, or motivate your employees, our learning and development experts, course developers, and implementation coaches are here to assist you.


We are more than happy to assist you in engaging and motivating your employees. For instance, we can arrange an inspiring kick-off session or workshop at your office. We've also developed a course specifically for managers, which will help you activate and guide your employees in their personal development.


Yes, we do. The more employees you have, the more cost-effective it becomes.


Yes, you can. Please contact us for personalized advice. We'll assist you in determining the most cost-effective option for your situation.


Users have unlimited access to all our courses and can learn whatever they like. However, we can assist you in addressing specific themes within your organization.

Do you have a question?