
Speed up development in your team with coaching

You are responsible for, or a part of, a management development program and make use of a New Heroes business contract. You want to speed up the development of your team but don't know how. Or you would like some support in aiding the development of individual employees.

Specialised coach
How effective would it be if a specialized coach works with your team? With New Heroes and coaching, your team will reach their goals faster.

Online training courses, in combination with a coach, not only fits into a theme such as leadership, but also relates to themes like sustainable employability, career and labor mobility, communication and collaboration.

What can you expect?

  • 1 year of 24/7 access to more than 150 online training courses
  • 2 hours of personal coaching. Personally determine how and when
  • Flexible, with a maximum return
  • Always have encouragement
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of life and career issues
  • Fits into the personal development budget of nearly all employers


Contact us
How does it work?
  1. After activation, the employee will have access to the coach on the dashboard
  2. The employee and the coach decide together when and how coaching will happen: using the platform or Skype, Facetime, Zoom, chat, telephone, or e-mail.
  3. The employee will determine with the coach how the 120 minutes of online coaching will be arranged: in multiple small moments of time, or all in one or two sessions.
  4. Via the dashboard the employee can see how much time remains with the coach.
  5. The coach has experience with New Heroes' learning journeys and will show the way, help with tasks, and also aid with those deeper life or career questions.
What are the costs?
  • You can expand on your New Heroes business contract with a e-coaching. Your employees will have access to their personal e-coach for one year. 

  • 120 minutes of e-coaching for € 399 per person(excl. VAT).

  • If you want to discuss solutions customized to your needs, don't hesitate to contact us.

Start now!

For business
  • Fill in the contact form or
  • call Customer Support on 073 84 49 910
  • email to

Via their dashboard, your employees will be connected to a coach within two working days.

For you
  • Start learning with support of a coach
  • 1 year of 24/7 access to more than 150 online training courses 
  • Two hours of online coaching
  • For €499 (incl. VAT)

Need to know more?

The New Heroes coach

The coach helps with employees who feel somewhat stuck and with those issues that go deeper than the New Heroes training courses. A coach can provide some new insights. Coaching also helps accelerate the learning process and makes it more effective.

New Heroes works with certified coaches, from Schouten & Nelissen, who are both experienced with online coaching as well as New Heroes.

Other people's experiences

"A coach just has a way of approaching something differently, and that is fun. Your own perception is only one thing, how someone else views it, gives you double the perspective. It is always enriching to learn more." - Evelien

"The conversations with my coach gave me the confidence to take new steps." - Paula

"My coach gave me a push when I needed it, and some new insights - Peter

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