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  • Author Annet Nimeijer

Get 80% of your employees learning. This is how you do it!

People are naturally inclined to be wanting to perform well. We love a good succes. Having been judged just a little better than your colleagues, having more connections on social media than your friends or making a deal which no one else would have gotten otherwise. It’s not a competition, but still, all of these things make you feel good about yourself. You’re comparing yourself to someone else and the conclusion you make is that you are just a bit ‘better, smarter or capable’. Another succes for you!

Consequence: You want to show off this behavior more often. What if this human need for wanting to achieve something could be converted into motivation? Event better: into motivation to learn. Make the process of learning something new into a competition, and get at least 80% of your employees to start learning.


The idea of a competition originates from the concept of gamification, which means the applying of gaming elements into a non-game context. In other words: the adding of ‘entertainment’ to your daily pursuits, the goal of this being to positively steer people’s behavior and motivate users. Turn learning into a game and by doing so, motivate employees to start learning. I’d like to share my experience with setting up a learning competition.

Which type of player are you?

In the process of setting up a game, it is important to know who your players are. In this specific case, they are your employees. Within the theory of gaming, we can distinguish 4 types of players:

  • The Achiever
    Wants to perform, to gain a high score and level up. The higher they get in the game, the more they feel like they are succeeding. They will do everything in order to be rewarded.
  • The socializer
    Values the social aspect of the game, even more so than the game itself. These people like the interaction with their fellow contestants.
  • The killer
    Gets enthusiastic through competing with others. This one is in it to win in!
  • The explorer
    Likes to just watch the process and take a look around. Discovering new things and finding out new possibilities.

Do you recognize your colleagues within these characters already? No one has a dominant player, often it is a combination of all of the 4 mentioned above. Hence the importance of paying attention to all types.

“Make learning a game”

Now, we've laid the foundation. Continue reading for more information about implementing the competition. 

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