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Microlearning modules: bite-sized learning nuggets

Microlearning refers to an educational approach that offers bite-sized small learning units with just the necessary amount of information to help learners achieve a goal. It is a short learning nugget that a learner would complete between 2 to 10 minutes.

To accommodate our clients, New Heroes has adopted microlearning in addition to our eLearning courses. It also caters to the needs of millennials: customized to one’s needs, on-demand and informal.

Transfer of learning 17% more efficient

Microlearning makes the transfer of learning 17% more efficient. Why is that?

  • Content is easily and readily accessible, whenever the learner is ‘ready’.
  • Retention becomes easier as memories aren’t cluttered with irrelevant information
  • Only small chunks of information have to be digested, which makes comprehension easier.
  • Content addresses only 1-2 learning objectives.
  • Learning in stretches of 3-7 minutes matches the attention span and memory capacity of humans.

Effectively close a skill gap

Effective microlearning enables employees to quickly close a small skill gap. Employees will enjoy achieving success from a short learning intervention, apply the concepts in their job and improve their performance. They can also take the microlearning course at any place and any time to refresh their understanding of the concept.

Microlearning is a solution that employees will appreciate because it is not as disruptive as a day of training. New Heroes microlearning modules allow your employees to self-manage their training by pulling information as they need it, rather than pushing toward them what you think they require. It will build empowerment and shift attitudes toward training.

An expanding amount

We currently offer 24 microlearning modules, but keep track of our website, because we'll be adding more modules. Want to know more about agile working? Or how to manage change? Or presenting with ease? Storytelling?

See all our microlearning modules and find the one that meets your needs. 

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