Personal Development Scan (PDS)

Can you relate? Taking on a course and finding out halfway through that it is not what you were looking for? Not necessarily bad, but New Heroes has a way to prevent these situations. Our Personal Development Scan compares your personal interests with the available online courses. 

New themes, new scan

When we reordered our 200+ online courses into four new and specific categories, we decided this was also the best time to renew and improve our scan. The scan is more thorough and the results of the scan align better with our training program. We can now offer you a more personalized experience. 

We didn't develop and test this new Personal Development Scan overnight. We worked closely together with our IT department and came up with algorithms and calculation models to make suggestions for online courses that best fulfill your learning needs. And because our scan is only a snapshot in time, you can always revisit it and take the test again.

Your personal development goals

In three sets of questions we'll identify:

  • What sparks your interest and what motivates you? 
  • What are the areas of personal development you could improve on?
  • What is your preferred learning style? 

As soon as you've completed the scan, you will receive eight suggestions for our online courses. Knowing what you want or need to improve, will increase your motivation. You'll discover what works for you and what energizes you. Also, it will definitely increase your chances of completing the entire course.

In order to be happy, you must do things that make you happy.

Johan Cruijff

Data visualization

We've expanded our Personal Development Scan recently with data visualization. You will receive recommended online courses, but also insight into themes and categories that seemed appealing or inspiring to you.

It will be easy for you to identify your learning needs and development goals. Your PDS results will refer you to courses within your area of development that are the best fit for you. Selecting the right online course for your specific and personal developing needs has never been easier. 

Additional personalized recommendations

In addition to our Personal Development Scan our platform also displays which online courses you have recently shown an interest in and recommends corresponding courses. Knowing your best options enables you to stay motivated, enjoy learning and become successful.

Continuous improvement

We're always working on improving our platform and our learning journeys. Upgrades and updates on our Personal Development Scan are an important part of those improvements. Try your scan now and check out your personal recommendations. 

Personal Development Scan