Your own motivator!

When we analyze our learning platform data we see that every person has their own and unique approach towards reaching their learning goals.

There are those who are extremely disciplined and focused, while others definitely need an occasional encouraging pat on the shoulder. There are some who'd prefer to achieve their goal sooner, rather than later, while others take their time to discover their own person.

But even though our clients are from all walks of life with different needs, they all share one common goal. Their desire to work on and reach their goal for personal growth and development.

Whichever path someone chooses towards his/her goal, everybody can use some help along the way. How much and how? As of now, you're in control of that. 

What's in it for  you?

  • You'll receive help as you try to achieve your learning goals.
  • You'll receive tailormade support
  • The tone-of-voice, content and number of emails matches your needs.

Our motivators are the ones doing our 'dirty work'. They make sure that your learning goals stay top of mind. They encourage you to take the necessary steps and shower you with praise whenever you hit a new milestone. They are your 'pat on the shoulder'. Our motivators are like our users. They share the same characteristics.

Our motivators

You want to achieve your goal(s) sooner rather than later. You are someone who needs the maximum amount of encouragement and motivational support, delivered with enthusiasm and positivity. A digital bootcamp instructor. Preferably too much than too little support to guide you to your goal(s).

You could do with a pep talk every now and then. At regular intervals, but not overdoing it. This friendly and personable guide is who you need.

You have a natural tendency to stay motivated. It's easy for you to get started and keep on going. However, you can still appreciate words of inspiration and encouragement. Unconventional, surprising and original. A little push is all you need.

You think proactively about tasks, and don't need much encouragement to reach your goal(s). A soft approach is not for you. You prefer someone who tells it like it is, and certainly not too often. The occasional reminder is good enough for you.


Which motivator is your best match?


Select your motivator

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