Reviews and ratings

Stop procrastinating

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It talks a lot about emotional intelligence (which is actually needed for the techniques later on). I just wished the course arrived faster and be more detailed about the specific tecniques against procrastination.

Luis Alberto

I don't like recording myself, other than that very good information


Learning is very good. Highly recommended.


It gets more and more interesting to me. It is a subject that I had not seen before.


An introspective journey to what triggers our struggle with procrastination and how we can overcome it.


Easy to follow, once I made the start (stopped procrastinating!) it's good to see the steps on the side of the screen, I like how it combines, writing tasks with videos etc, to make it more appealing and not boring


I like the learning journey, but things like recording are less practical to do. So it takes some time and this can take the flow out of the training process


Recording yourself in a open work space is not acceptable for me. Also the time spend vs the amount of 'real' information is too low


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